
You Can't Do That

"I'm moving to San Francisco"
chorus: "Oh you can't do that."
"Why Not"
chorus: "Its too expensive"
"But what about all the throngs of poor people that live there, I think I can do it"
chorus: "But there's all those Gays"
"So the fuck what, I have lot's of Gay friends"
chorus: "You Homo lover you should be ashamed of yourself, besides how will you ever find a job"
"How will I ever find a job here? I think I can find one out there in my field"
chorus "What's your field?"
"Video and Film"
chorus: " You should move to LA"
"I don't want to move to LA, I don't like LA, I want to give up my car and move to San Francisco"
chorus: "Give up your car are you crazy, how will you get around"
"Bike, Bus , Train, they have great public transport out there"
chorus: "That sounds dangerous, aren't you scared"
"No you are the one that's scared, stay here and languish in your lifechoice of safety and security
I'm moving to San Francisco"
chorus: "Oh you can't do that."
