Hilarious Hypocrite
Somebody just reminded me that I should really get back to this space.I have 45 minutes til I can get out of my office so I will devote some of that time to a public discussion of how I have seriously lost my muse these days. It happens every once in a while. I create and create and burn myself the hell out and then I wake up one day and realize that I am living life on a subsistence level. Eat sleep shit fuck work drive and thats it. Pathetic really.
I always find that inspiration again. Sometimes in the strangest of places. I have even been known to pull myself up by my own bootstraps and get going again. I'm gonna try that right now. I am going to post alot this next month so hang on to your hats my dedicated readership. Which consists of I believe ~ mat harp jefe and maybe sometimes jeb one? I don't really know. In fact, if you stumble across this drivel just give me a little shout at
who ~ you might ask is this hilarious hypocrite
that's me
The Deputy
I just found the thorn in my own eye... ouch
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