As it turns out, Piracy is an excellent cure for depression. I can't be the first human to discover this little tidbit. At the end of the day I think Piracy is a regular "cure-all." Its like an old fashion wild-west tonic.I was depressed, about a year ago. I didn't know how I was gonna get out of this massive hole of depression that I had fallen into, through my own desire and folly. It was about this time that the Buckaneers and Raiders were slated to play in the Super Bowl. This coincidence stuck me as... well... coincidental. Around and about this time, myself and some of my mateys started injecting the sound YAR into our everyday speech. Now, the YARs alone began to help my down and out mental state. Something about the particular vibration that one produces in one's throat from saying YAR was like the seed that would grow into the tree of happiness. But there was something more to this lifestyle. I then did some plundering and some basic pillaging. Then I stole this guys girlfriend and I wrote a song about it. Then me and my mateys began expounding the pirate lifestyle to others. And well, before I knew it, sometime at the start of last summer, the depression was like an ancient mariner's tale. A thing of the past I tell ya.
Maybe it ain't for everybody. Maybe it ain't really a cure ALL. Maybe I'm not the kind of scallywag that needs to be handing out advice like a venerial disease. All I know, and I'm only speaking from personal experience, is that Piracy is the miracle I've always been looking for.
Comandeering your Ass
The Dread Pirate Pee Pee R
aka The Deputy
aka Senor Sol
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