
The Eyes of Texas

John Ashcroft is gone. I don't say this about many things but... I hated that fucker.
So good riddance.
But Bush has now appointed a fellow Texan to the Attorney General post.
So here is an opportunity for some one in the cabinet to make Texas look a little better.
Or I guess the converse logic would be here is an opportunity for some one in the cabinet to make Texas look a whole lot fucking worse.

I'm pretty tired of people hating Texas. Not all Texans suck. You are just going to have to trust me on this one.

I was reading up on this Alberto Gonzales character and things don't look so good.
Seems like he is a bit of a lap dog for ol Gee Dub.
Hope springs eternal.

update on blogging from home~
I have the machine now I just need a connection. Should be able to sort that out in a week or so.
I'm having trouble deciding...
cable or dsl?

