Best Bloodys Ever
Hey Ezra, remember when I didn't like bloody marys. Well now things have changed.How much have they changed? Let me offer this comparison.
The Deputy is to Bloodys as The Dude is to White Russians
So every week or two I treat myself to a bloody with my lunch at Chuy's. I got this buddy Adrian who is a bartender there who just happens to make the best bloodys ever. I have a mexi-cobb salad and a bloody and some chips and salsa and that serves as a really first-rate attitude adjustment. I usually hit Chuy's when I need my attitude calibrated.
Today was especially nice. The place is packed. Its raining so the people who are waiting for a table are absolutely filling the waiting areas. I walk into the bar. There's not a place to sit it would seem. There is one spot but this girl is standing in front of it. Almost immediately Adrian sees me and asks the girl who turns out to be a server to move so "this Gentleman" can have a seat. The guy takes care of me. She moves and I sit down next to the woman she was talking to. From context clues I deduce that the woman is her mom. I say hey to Adrian and order my bloody. When the woman sitting next to me sees what he is making she says to me "Is that a bloody mary he's making." I reply "why yes, Adrian makes the best bloody's ever." She is so intrigued that she orders one herself. A pleasant conversation ensues.
We talk of shoes and ships and ceiling wax and cabbages and kings and she mentions Las Vegas so we shoot the shit on that tip. She is actually just waiting for to-go food and soon that comes. So she turns to me and expresses how nice it was talking to me. And just out of the blue she says "and what a handsome fellow." I bashfully point to myself and then swing my head first left and then right looking for someone else that she might be addressing. I say thank you and we part ways and my spirit soars. I love compliments, I give enough of them, its always nice to receive.
Then after I finish my salad Adrian starts to take it away and he says, "Do you want another salad, seconds maybe?" This takes me totally off guard cause he usually asks if I want another bloody and he interjects this little change of course so cleverly it leads to quite a belly laugh. Funny stuff I tell ya.
Then when I get outside the rain has gone away.
So between the vodka and the compliments and the unexpected laughter I give today's lunch a big
Not Too Shabby.
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