
Being Bored is only for the Boring

I've been a bit bored lately. This is strictly against my personal policy. I firmly believe that being bor-ed is only for the bor-ing. I have learned to make my own fun in life. I mean geez, I'm from Lubbock Texas. That's a place in which you learn to make your own fun or perish. I think its this phase of existence, which I will call the Karma Coma, that finally motivates a person to start their own perpetual motion, self fulfilling manifestation, of art and life and creativity. But here's some things, in no particular order, that I am excited about these days.
~ living alone
~ Chapelle's Show
~ Kanye West
~ getting back in touch with old friends
~ my friend's blogs
~ being single
~ freedom
~ The Sopranos
~ Spring
~ sleeping through the train sounds
