

I been thinkin about levels today.
There's levels of everything.
Levels of interest, levels of attraction, levels of experience and levels of understanding. Levels of temperature, levels of elevation, levels of pressure, and levels of depth. Everything has a level of complexity, whether its a song or a blog or a rock or the atmosphere. As you read from my last post there's levels of Hip Hop, as Tupac said in Hit Em Up " You mutha fuckas ain't even on my level, I'm gonna let my little homies ride on your ass." There are levels of accuracy when quoting someone. There are different levels in a department store and there's different levels on a wedding cake. The levels of light in a photo are very important as are the levels of sound in a recording. The string theory talks about levels of vibration and the fact that other levels of existence might be right here right beside us and since our molecules aren't vibrating at the same level we cannot perceive those planes. I am at a certain level in my art career. I call this the "beginning of the time of selling out" level. There's levels of income which the IRS uses to determine your level of tax or your bracket. Levels are relative and they depend on the rank of the other levels in the corresponding context. Now level as a word can mean a number of different things.
Things need to be level so that things don't roll away or slide off.
That's not the kind of level I'm thinking about.
I can handle the truth mate, so just level with me.
No, not like that kind of level.
See that termite mound over there, level it or suffer the consequences.
Nope not that shit either.
I had a lunch today that was on the house at a fancy steak joint and I really lived it up but it all felt above my level. If I had a creedo at the moment it would be ~ There should always be forward progress ~ This is being put to the test because I am trying to reach the next level. I realize that my level of insight here may be cursory but it sure helps me advance to the next level when I faithfully write down here the swirling mass of thoughts that sometimes cloud my level-head.
