I read the Craigslist personals everyday. I have done so for about two years now. I never respond to the posts. Mostly because I figure that women posting get about a thousand times the amount of responses as do the men and the chances are ill fated. Or I have been in a relationship. I really just enjoy them for the insights they provide into social psyche. But If I did respond to a post it might sound something like this~Allow myself to introduce ... myself~
My name is Matthew, which I suppose you could have deduced from my e-mail address. I am 27, I am an artist who is currently employed as a Graphic Designer for a beer company. I have dark hair and dark eyes. I stand 5' 9" and I am a muscular 175 pounds. I believe, and others have confirmed that I am good looking. Plus I'm funny and clever and some people say talented (although I sometimes disagree about definitions of talent). I play soccer, I swim, I kayak, and I do some cycling. I go to the gym about 3 times a week just to stay toned and flexible. I have a job and a car and I live alone.
Aside from all these facts and figures I am a dealer in excitement. You did say you need some excitement in your life for a change? Right? What kind of excitement are you looking for? Do you like to drink? Do you like to smoke? Do you like music? Do you like to dance? I consider myself an aficionado of these things and more. I am well read and well traveled. I have been back in Austin for about a year now and I am looking for a partner in crime to spice up my usual well trod but inevitably exciting paths.
I noticed you didn't ask for a picture. I would be happy to provide one. Like I said, I have never responded to a personals ad so I don't have one on hand. However, if that's important, and you by some damn miracle reply to this e-mail, I would be happy to provide you with a pic before any commitment to meeting took place.
I would ask one thing. Respond even if I'm not the one you wanna meet. I think taking a chance on me would be your best bet, however I would really like a form rejection letter if you choose otherwise. What I am really curious about is the number of responses you get. Maybe just an e-mail with a number in the subject line that corresponds with the number of responses you got.
Putting myself right out there
Matthew Rampage, aka The Deputy, aka Kidd Matteo, aka The Dread Pirate R, aka Senor Sol
How did that sound? Convincing? It's all true.
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