
Beer Flute

Have you ever heard Tiffany play the beer flute?
Well you are missing something my friend, really missing out. Maybe her concert tour will come to a township near you.
New Years Eve was fun. It has taken me five days to write about it. Don't take that as a sign that it sucked. You should merely take that as a symptom of my lazy ass nature. Just a small gathering at the Langenkamp residence. All their friends were out of town and so I had to stack the party with my homies. It was the first time they had met some key members of the Lubbock crew. All went splendidly. We missed all of our loved ones that, for whatever reason, couldn't be with us in that hour of utmost drunkenness. When I get drunk I get really shy. I had all these folks there and I was just sitting in the corner nursing my champagne trying not to make eye contact, a real wallflower I tells ya.

I would post a picture of my date but she wouldn't let me take one. Even when I tried to be sly and catch a candid pic she was somehow able to dodge the shutter with a hand or a cup or just a graceful turn of the head. She and I enjoyed a lovely sushi dinner just before arriving at Ben and Tiff's and she made sure I got to bed safely.

There was one point when we were all in the back yard and Maneesh and Royce and I were trying to play some nighttime badmitton when I had this moment of realizing how drunk I was becoming. And I had this overwhelming sensation that there was nothing I could do about it, like a slide at a waterpark that I hadn't realized I was in line for and I was already fifty feet down the chute and there was no turning back.
Scary, but fun, in a biological alcoholic sense.

I have a hard time understanding these people who don't want to have their picture taken. I enjoy having mine taken. Maybe its my love of posterity, or maybe its my boundless vanity, or maybe its my appreciation of the photographic medium which keeps me coming back for more. One time, at my four year birthday party, I was given a viewmaser. You remember those dontcha? It is that thing that looks like binoculars that you put reels of slides inside and watch the 3d slide show with your stereo vision, human. Well somebody had given me one of those. My mom says that she looked over at one point after all the presents had been opened and there I was standing directly in front of one of my friends who was using the viewmaster and I was posing everytime they punched down the lever to change the slide. Click, vogue, click, vogue, click ~ I thought they were taking my picture and I was just making love to the camera.

But in a really unrelated story, I am learning Macromedia Flash right now. Its kinda complex. The tutorials take a long time but I am determined to master that sucka. I will let you know when I complete an original Flash movie and I will post it and you can tell me how much it sucks. Posted by Hello
