
Semitic Shame

I had this sudden sensation that I had been sent back in time as a Hebrew gent in the Holy Land.
It was all biblical times and stuff.
I was trying real hard to be a good Jew.
I was trying to follow the law set down by the Lord God Jehovah to the letter.

No work on the Sabbath.
The whole ten commandments thing of course.
And then the all the dietary restrictions.

And man was I craving shrimp and pork like nobody's biznass.

I totally snuck off from the the tribe.
And I found me a pig down by the sea
of Galilee.
And there was a nearby shrimp bed.

Well, I went crazy and I hunted down that sweet bacon,
and killed it with a sharp rock
and I went a wadin' with some dope ass nets
and caught me some shrimp.
I made me some cutlets from the pig
and I pealed and deveined those shrimpies.

Well, I skewered up all that unclean goodness
and I had a little picnic.
But some shmuck back in the village
went and told on me and e'rbody totally found me out in my little feast of contraband
and I was hella disappointed
cause I brought shame on myself and my family.

But in my defense
I'm actually just a young American Goyem
from the future
who really just loves me some shrimp and bacon.
