Self Regulation
Sometimes The Deputy has to regulate himself.I know what you are thinking. You're thinking, geez Dep don't you have enough trouble just trying to regulate the unruly citizens of the County Gaggaccticca. And well yes that's true. But if I'm not righteous in my own actions and intentions then how can I keep the peace and maintain the forward progress of the society around me? Huh?
Case in point. I have this buddy, this smoking buddy. He is a great friend and can be counted on when The Law is in need of some mota-vation. He is very generous with his ganja and believe it or not that has been the catalyst for a cancer that has been growing in my soul. See I have for too long taken his generosity for granted and not reciprocated when I have known that I should have. I feel terribly for this iniquity and not only am I going to asks Jah's blessed forgiveness in this matter I am also going to try to right this terrible wrong in my lifetime.
I plan to start this reappropriation of buda inhalation by procuring an unspecified amount of grass to bestow upon this friend as New Year's gift. Moreover I am going to start loading bowls tit for tat and not take any 'no you don't have to do that's' for an answer. This will be a beginning on the path to reconciliation of this matter.
If you are another of my friends past or present who have experienced this more selfish side of me I am sorry that I was not able to right these wrongs during our interactions but I reckon better late than never and better here than with others whose bridges have already been burned. I hate burning bridges.
Another important matter of self regulation needs to relate to this space. I am going to have to rededicate myself to these writings. I have found out through time that I am never going to be able to maintain a steady stream of creativity. I realize through trial and error that things such as my writing and my drawing will much like the tides ebb and flow. I should be aware of these things and as soon as I realize that the ebb has become a dry-bottomed harbor with cruise ships resting on the sea floor that I need to be earthquake that causes the tsunami that will not only fill the harbor with creativity but also crash inland and destroy all that has been built up by man and poison all the fauna with the saline content of my creative force.
This is not meant to be insensitive to the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami, my heart goes out to them, It is just a mixed metaphor using natural processes to illustrate another nature process within my heart. Besides, I am well aware that mother nature giveth and taketh away, you should be aware of this also. It rarefies the peaceful times.
Besides, if you want to get upset about something that happened in 04 that we are still going to be fixing or cleaning up or just paying for the ramifications of in the weeks and months to come there are these things also...
~ retaliation beheading
~ re-elected republican presidents
~ pharmaceuticals with incomplete warnings
~ paris hilton's sexcapades
~ mars rovers
~ mpaa suits
~ fcc crackdowns
~ afghan elections
~ freedom fighter tom foolery (ie insurgent activity)
~ the desolation of positive public opinion about America in the international community
~ racism
~ the aids epidemic continues unabated
~ and many more
Sometimes you have to look out in order to look in.
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