
Design Destiny

When you're done killing yourself
or trying to kill yourself
all that's left is the burning
sensation that you need to
to slowly

When I was young
I looked
around at my surroundings
and I thought to myself
Did, quote, "civilized man"
really make his home here.

I am from a fairly desolate land so it might seem that the question at hand is a relevant one
at least
as far as the probability of one's
peephole opening in a fair and abundant land of say ~ plenty
as is conversely related to the probability
of a one's peephole opening
in a harsh and inhospitable horizon.

My beef ain't with my situation
it ain't personal as such
my bone to pick is with the system
it's not the components
or the individual acts that matter
that ring the deathnell clatter
that through the time gate shatter.

It's the design that leads us astray.
