In It to Win It
Fuck Yeah, hizzah, HoorayI won. I won a contest. I won the Anti Magnet Giveaway contest. I won an Anti Magnet.
I know its a little homoerotic and all but I am super chuffed.
The thing about contests is that I hardly ever enter. I usually win when I do enter.
Some would say by that logic I should enter lot's more contests. But that ain't the way it works.
I reckon that I've got a fixed amount of wins in my lifetime. I can use them all up in the next few years by entering every damn contest that I come across and placing at least within the top three or I can spread them out over a lifetime and when I'm 88 and playing bingo I will still have a few wins left to impress the little blue haired ladies.
Of course by that logic, what a fuckin idiot I am for having thrown away a win on a blog magnet contest.
But then again think of the mad snazz that I'm gonna be impressing with my Anti Magnet.
Hells yes.
Thanks Anti, I don't care what all those fuckers say about you
you're alright.
And in a related story of luck o' the draw, looks like I'm gonna be getting a free SXSW wristband from my work.
I have mentioned before that my job holds certain perks. Well, I did a little logo design for the Shiner brand manager for his kids ball club and he committed at least one wristband in payment. So I guess that it wasn't free but its cheaper than the 150 dollar retail value and it is something I wouldn't splurge for so Its free to me. And I could possibly get another one which would entitle me to choose a companion for the week.
So ladies, if you want to go to some wicked shows here in Austin during SXSW
look for my South By South Deputy wristband contest
where you may get a chance to go down south on The Deputy
I mean WITH The Deputy.
Unless bunny wants to go ahead and claim the prize herself.
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