
Hand me That Weed Whacker

The worst job I ever had was my first job.
It was fucking mowing lawns with my stepfather, he had a lawn care business.
We lived in Lubbock Texas which is pretty fucking hot in June.
That June in particular there were 28 straight days of over 100 degree temps averaging around 107.
I was fourteen, where were the goddamned child labor laws I wonder.
We mowed a shitload of lawns
and then we got this great boon of a contract.
It was manicuring the "lawns" of the Lubbock Housing Projects. tight huh?
I mowed the PJs.
Now there were four separate housing projects in different parts of town.
There was one for the old folks, one for the Mexicans, one for the whites, and one for the blacks.
I think they made it that way cause Lubbock is a racist town in a racist state in a pretty racist country.
Some of us are working on it but its like a goddamned tsunami of racism around here sometimes... but anywhos
We mowed the projects.
The black folks had a raw deal set up, as they often do here in America, with very little grass coverage
mostly hard packed dirt with clumps of rude, stalky, mealy, weeds.
all grown up along the sidewalks and fences. Lot's of weeds I tells ya.
It would take us five or six hours of weed whacking
every couple weeks to get this place into some semblance of manicured lawncare bliss.
I would come out of those hellishly long days in the sun with my legs absolutely caked in weed guts.
I decided right then and there that I was gonna go to college and get my self an inside job
with a soft chair and a warm computer.

There is no moral to that story accept that
I hate racism in all its many manifestations both subtle and overt
If you are ever become a stepdad of a teenage boy don't for heaven's sake put him to work
like a dog
It's not a great way to endear yourself to your stepchild
