
Just an Application

Its just an application
It can't control your life
It is simple and yet highly complex
It feins meekness and yet it is powerful and it can kill you

aka ~ The Flash tutorials are frying my brain.

I think I have gotten used to being all stagnant and complacent. I haven't learned anything substantially new in a long time. I am going through a readjustment period where my brain is remembering its sponge-like qualities. That's not exactly true cause I learn new stuff all the time but its more like, I'm going through the motions of my day and I find something that I can improve on or relate better to. Or I read something new in Wikipedia and I'm all, "Okay, that's the new thing that I learned for today, file that there and back to auto-pilot." But to sit down and really apply myself in learning a new application, its fucking zapping my p-ram,

This is something that I really want to do. I would like to round out my design portfolio with some web design skills. Then I will be the triple threat ~ print / broadcast / and web design ~ keyaaaah (karate chop). Combine that with my knowledge of sound design (which is amateur at best) and you have yourself a well rounded "design that shit up" mofo, comin atcha. Or at least that's what I'm shooting for.

In the random motif of this week ~
have you ever noticed how things tend to get hella twisted when its late and your brain is tired?
things seem worse than they really are
miscommunications are amplified
concepts that should be simple to articulate get stuck on the tongue and usually get sucked down the wrong pipe like so much wayward saliva.

That shit happens to me all the time.
