
Don't be so Naive

Such a fine line between light and dark
In a painting or drawing you can create a certain synergy
by placing your light and dark areas right next to each other
flickering neighbors

I can't stand when people use the word synergy
I mean who the fuck do these people think they are
Oh Hi, I am some pompous, ivory tower academic asshat
who has chosen to adorn my writing with preposterously unusable "new-agey" psuedoscience words like
or perhaps paradigm
check me out I am on the bleeding edge of literary zeitgeist circa '94

And sometimes in life
the light and dark areas hang exceedingly close
Its like one day you are going along doing one ting or another
comfortably ensconced in your pattern of being
your rut of existence
and whammo blammo, something happens that changes everything
and you are all
hey universe, where's the gradient
why couldn't we ease into this new pool

What is with the widening gap between the haves and have not's in this society?
The predatory phase of capitalism is creating not short
but long
and brutish lives for a vast class of people in the richest
and yet most in decline city-state in the World

Don't act like I'm being unpatriotic by calling a spade, a spade
And speaking of that
what is up with the rampant racism that fills out hearts with such blind hate for one another?
~did you notice how that antiquated racial epithet reminded me of one of the most pressing issues
for me?
Its hard to accept the way thing are when you can't do nothing about them
besides change your own heart and mind

I could spend all day buried under the knowledge of unabated unfairness and inequality
in our world
would that help anyone?

I could spend all day focusing on the beauty and the positive aspects of life on planet Earth
would that help anyone?

duh, yeah, uh me.... hello?
