The Honest Blogger Quiz
OK Tony Pierce I dig your blog and I ain't scared of your quiz. This may be as politically active as I get inside of the confines of this blog like maybe ever.1. which political party do you typically agree with? I like the Green Party I just wish they weren't totally powerless.
2. which political party do you typically vote for? Green Party
3. list the last five presidents that you voted for? Straight Green Party in the last two elections before that I was too young and in my youth I thought I was a Republican so I'm glad I was too young.
4. which party do you think is smarter about the economy? Democrat
5. which party do you think is smarter about domestic affairs? Democrat
6. do you think we should keep our troops in Iraq or pull them out? e'rbody needs to come home now.
7. who, or what country, do you think is most responsible for 9/11? Our own imperialist Foreign Policy and all that meddling we do abroad. Oh and our national treasure = hypocrisy
8. do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in iraq? No
9. yes or no, should the u.s. legalize marijuana? Yes and I would like a job in the industry either designing print ads for commercial growers or growing commercially myself.
10. do you think the republicans stole the last presidential election? Duh yeah and there is no indication that they won't do it again with all their gas price trickery and the inevitable "Oh look we found Osama just in time to impress the voting public," shit.
11. do you think bill clinton should have been impeached because of what he did with monica lewinski? no, that whole shenanigan was preposterous.
12. do you think hillary clinton would make a good president? Yes
13. name a current democrat who would make a great president: None
14. name a current republican who would make a great president: I hope there is not another Republican President in my lifetime.
15. do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion? Yes.
16. what religion are you? Christian ~ Taoist.
17. have you read the Bible all the way through? Yes well mostly, I skimmed some of the Numbers and Dueteronomy parts where it is just accounting and genealogies.
18. what's your favorite book? The Dictionary.
19. who is your favorite band? Outkast
20. who do you think you'll vote for president in the next election? John Kerry.
21. what website did you see this on first?
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