

Woah... look at my comments boxes... their hella blowin up. Cha..
I was thinking about my memory purge last night. I am only beginning and like I say I have quite a few more months of telling great stories from memory. However, it struck me last night that maybe now is the time to start making plans and laying the foundation for my next big adventure. All those stories that I'm telling, they didn't happen just by sitting around all slack jawed or by just moseying around in my same old ruts. I had to say ~
"Geez, I'm a little tired of these same old paths and places, maybe I should go somewhere else and do some new things and meet some new people."
And I realize to myself that maybe I am coming to that crucial crux once again. This time though, whatever I do, I need to make some scrilla doing it. Maybe I could be an old fashioned mule. That would be cool but I do have a massive aversion to incarceration so maybe that ain't the route to take. Maybe I could get a job writing travel guides. That seems a little unlikely but its possible. My good Friend Nina "The Dyke" K. got a part time assignment doing that so at least I know someone who landed something as such. Or maybe I could just walk the Earth, like Cain. That doesn't pay though. Maybe I could travel from place to place and do Vigilante work for hire. These are early theories, I am just brainstorming here. If you have any thoughts or if you would like to be the first to debunk one of my flimsy theories just get in line there and tell me what you think in my hugely popular comments section.
Thank You.
