

Gaggaccticca County is a hinterland, a nether region. It is both above and below the material plane we perceive as Earth. It is the no place that you go when you are six shades of tatwackticca, or spasplackticca, or out of your face, or pissed, or hammered, or drunk, or trippin', or high, or stoned. When ever your flesh indulges in its favorite poison, this is where your mind, yeah your soul goes to wait.
I am The Deputy of Gaggacctica County. I regulate the proceedings. There ain't that many laws in G.C. Basically its like this. Don't hurt any soul and don't hurt your own and you have to go back to your body when you come down ~ That's it.
G.C. is timeless and out of time so you are liable to run into anybody from anytime. The other day I saw a discussion between Jimi Hendrix, The emperor Nero and Benjamin Franklin. The cult of Dionysus is always well represented. The native inhabitants of the Americas are always strolling about rambling like enraptured madmen with all their peyote and hallucinogenic root ceremonies.
Everyone sees G.C. as they wish. To me it is the rolling hills, pink granite and twisted oaks of the Texas Hill country. It varies in layout from soul to soul.
This cosmology is my own invention but did I engender this idea from nothings and ash or were these thoughts bestowed on my ass by the eternal? There is indeed nothing new under the sun.
There is only one political party in Gaggaccticca County. It is The Beverage Party. They promise 'beverages for all, thirst for none.' It is a organization dedicated to harmony and common needs. Because no matter how you get there, or no matter what your soul sees when you arrive the thing all souls share in common is the need for a beverage. It keeps the body alive and it allows the soul a moist human machine to return to after the effect of the precious poison have taken its leave.
See ya'll there.
