
Cultural Obsession

If I could change one thing about our busted ass culture it would be this obsession with all things unnatural.
When I say 'obsession with all things unnatural' I mean this pervasive set of social values that places a much higher premium on unnatural traits and characteristics.

Hair color
How is a human with colored hair more beautiful than a human whose hair is its normal, natural color? I am not personally opposed to hair treatment but why are there so many people who are so bored with their natural hair color? Blondes want to go brunette and brunettes want to go blonde. People with grey hair want color and people with highlights want streaks. Its no longer good enough just to change the overall color of your hair. The fashion now seems to be a bit schizophrenic, dark streaks on blonde or light streaks on brunette. I don't judge anyone who does any of these things because the culture so heavily reinforces this need to be like or look like something you're not.
We should focus on just what God gave us. And we should turn to our brothers and sisters and remind them that they are beautiful just the way they are.

Plastic Surgery
My tits are too small. I have too much flab in this area. My butt needs implants so I can acheive that J Lo look. My tits are too big. My pecs look weak. Face lift, eye lift, collagen injections, botox, all this = bullshit.
I know it is human nature to want what you don't have or think that the grass is greener on the other side. However, the media machine in conjunction with the econmic power structure tell you day in and day out that you are imperfect and ugly as you are but don't despair cause all this can be fixed with the right amount of product combined with the optimum number of procedures, elevating the situation to a level way beyond regular dissatisfied human nature.

Fatness and Baldness
News Flash ~ As humans age their metabolism naturally slows down which naturally causes them to gain weight and some of them for various reasons lose their hair. So what should we do with that information.
Oh I know.
Let's spread a rumor that either of these conditions is repulsive and lets make sure there's no fat or bald people on TV or in movies or in magazines and lets once again make commodities out of the solutions to these problems. That way people can feel bad about themselves as they age and if they want to look good to their fellow humans they will be forced to buy our dubiously effective weight loss schemes and baldness "cures."
In Addition, lets flood the market with products that bring about these conditions prematurely. Lets fill all the food stuffs with high fructose corn syrup and lets get everybody hooked on cigarettes which will indeed speed up the balding process.
Why don't we start putting the focus on fat and bald people and say, this happens as you age and its not just OK, it great and its beautiful.

The world belongs to the young. Everybody wants to look and feel younger. Now feeling young, that's one thing, but looking young, that's a whole other bee hive and the lengths people go to look younger is ridiculous. What we should do, in the magazines and in the movies and on the Tee Vee is elevate the importance of our seniors. I'm not saying that Playboy should feature geriatric centerfolds but I do think that grey hair and wrinkled skin should be looked upon with reverence and appreciation. We should look forward to getting old and we should embrace the signs of aging not as a social crutch but as a social standard that makes us all a bit less afraid of getting old.
Feeling young is in the mind and in the heart. Looking young is foolish and vain.

This post seems a bit heavy handed and I'm not sure if I got my point across. I realize the utter futility even thinking about changing a culture. I know that something like that is not in my power. I do however need something to blog about and this is something that has been on my mind. By embracing the natural course of action I think people can be more content with their lives.
Course, I don't really think that people actually want to be happy.
