
Out of Vogue

Times Change
Winter turns to Spring
Summer turns to Fall
Fashions follow suit.
I think there are some things that shouldn't fall out of vogue, although they sometimes do.
The thing that I am hinting at right now is *using your turn signals* my fellow dumbasses.
You see all cars are equipped with signal lights, some people call them blinkers.
They appear on the front and back of all cars.
Its the law.
Those things are a great invention and an excellent way to communicate with the drivers around you.
Those little fuckers are on the front line of highway safety.
You see, they indicate either a turn or more importantly, a lane change.

I don't know what its like where you live, but here in Austin and in the greater Texas area, using one's turn signal has become so passe it makes me want to puke,.. blood,.. out of mortal disgust.

People are like, "Hey look, I'm most of the way into this lane, maybe I should hit my signal" and blip, it comes on for one second, maybe one blink, but who the fuck cares now, you are already halfway in the next lane and if you were gonna cause a major fucking accident it would already be happening so don't even fucking bother with the blip, savvy? Can you hear me raising my voice? Well I am. Cause this pisses me off to no end.

It's not just to alert a car that might or might not be directly behind you. It alerts cars and pedestrians as to the future path of your vehicle in front and behind and on the side. It gives folks time to move out of your way or to alert you with their horn or not to step off a curb at that moment cause you are about to turn or change lanes. Its really a great tool for safety that people just don't have time or inclination or the fucking sense to use much anymore

It's so easy. Its right there by your hand when it's on the steering wheel. I know it's not a tough lever to work. It's not like it takes any elbow grease. It's really just a flicking motion in most cars. You only have to do it one way. Once you turn your wheel it snaps back to the ready position automatically. And you might say "Nuh uh, It don't pop back inta place all by itself when yur just changin lanes" and I might retort "well no shit Gomer, ya got me there, you lazy cunt."

This is kind of a symptom of a bigger problem in our modern world right now. We have lost touch of the art of driving as an activity all to itself . Drive down any highway in America and check out what's going on with the drivers around you. They are talkin on their mobile phones or eating or putting on makeup or checkin out other drivers around them to see what they are doing, but ain't nobody just driving. Did you know German's don't even put drink holders in most of their cars. They believe that when you are driving, you should just be driving, it's an activity that requires all of ones attention. It is a dangerous thing and requires focus. Well not round here I tells ya, how last year.
And that's why more people die in car accidents in America each day than the total amount of allied casualties in both WW One and Two. fuhreals dawg. Posted by Hello
