
Mahi Mahi

I cooked a loverly dinner for myself and Ms Mississippi last night
Mahi Mahi, perfectly pan fried with garlic and onions
on a bed of fresh greens topped off with avocado, fresh cilantro, and capers.
It was awesome.
I smothered my salad greens in ranch dressing but Ms Miss. is way classier than that.
She settled for a dollup on the side.
The food was good and she was impressed.
I usually watch a couple hours of TeeVee on Sunday nights. I like it, its my decompression time.
But as a result of my pleasant company I only watched The Simpsons, thereby cutting my TV viewing for the entire weekend down to one thirty minute sit com. Not too shabby.

I'm excited about this week
aw heck, I'm excited about life.
