

I hate it when I have put something off for months and when I get down to doing the thing it only takes me fifteen minutes. Makes me feel like a damn fool. And NO, I am not referring to this writing exercise.

I cleaned my apartment this weekend. There was this pile of junk in my bedroom that I had been meaning to go through. It really was an eyesore. It was just receipts and junk mail and magazines, nothing grimy or gross. It had started in the chair in the living area and had gotten moved en masse to the bedroom where I had been stepping over it and adding to it since way before Christmas. In fact, the cleaning of my apartment while certainly filled with drudgery wasn't that bad at all, not nearly as bad as I had made it in my mind. This is a lesson I have learned before, many times before. Which makes me wonder, how many times in life do we have to learn the same lessons over and over. I mean, I guess if you really LEARN a lesson that that would imply that in the future you won't make that same mistake or not do that thing that you promised your self you would never do again. But there are those little things that just keep popping up on our respective radar screens and we see it again and we go, "oh yeah, that's why I don't do that."

But seriously I got a bunch of bs stuff done this weekend. Makes me feel good.

Did you know that The Stones were censored during their halftime show? I didn't either. In fact I was thinking that The Stones were perfect for the halftime show in this boring ass, whitewashed, puritanical, pre-teen poppycock, fully censored for our safety, nation of ours. I thought they were safe as a church bus, fully sanctified for mass consumption. But no, turns out that two lyrics were explicit enough for the dump button. Fuck you FCC. Fuck you for making a sanitized mockery of what used to be the most fun and profane nation on earth.

Makes me want to run with scissors, although I suppose our nations highways are as fun and dangerous as anybody needs.
