
Like a Scooby Doo Ending?

It's a plot device.
Deus ex Machina.
But my question to you is.
Is a classic Scooby-Doo ending a Deus ex Machina?

I would like to do a series about stuff that to me seems quite obvious.
It should be fascinating, because I think there is a divergence in what I think is obvious and what my reader and the average Joe Shmoe thinks is obvious.
Divergent like a great chasm.
That is not to say that I consider myself above average. Maybe just slightly unique.
But we would all like to think so, all us foolish Americans.
Snoflakes and all.

All Americans want to feel special, important, individual. We are more alike than we think.
We are more like chimpanzees than we would like to think.

I saw a very beautiful woman driving a Kia Rio.
It seemed like such a modest car for such a stunning beauty.
I wondered if she felt that the car was beneath her.
In the back of her mind she must be thinking.
"I should be driving a Jaguar."
Like most beautiful women she could easily parlay her looks into the car of her dreams.
But maybe she is a recovering somethingorother, like a crackhead maybe.
Or maybe she is trying to rely on her wit and skill.
Of which she must have very little of either.
Or maybe her cousin died and she just got a great deal on the Kia.
you know
reliable transportation
cars is cars
peoples is peoples.

And the Gods came down from on high
and the people were sore afraid
but the evil one is banished to Hades
and the mystery gets solved
and Ulysses and Whatsername
live happily ever after.

Or until their next brush with the fates.
